Publicaciones en el año 2003

J. Alfonso, E. Greaves, B. Lavelle, L. Sajó-Bohus.
Effect of sputtering pressure on residual stress in Ni films using energy-dispersive x-ray diffraction
J. Vac. Sci. & Tech. A. 21, 4, 846-850 (July 2003).

J. Alvarez, L. Marcó, J. Arroyo, E. Greaves, R. Rivas.
Determination of Calcium, Potassium, Manganese, Iron, Cooper and Zinc levels in representative samples of two onion cultivars using TXRF and ultrasound extraction procedure.
Spectrochim Acta B 58 (12): 2183-2189 DEC 15 2003.

 H. Barros, J. Abril, V. Laudicina, A. Delgado.
Application of ICP-MS for Measuring Soil Metal Cations from Sequential Extractions.
I, 2004. Elsevier Science, Proceedings Book, APHYS 2003.

R. Causa, D. Coelho, L. Sajó-Bohus.
Instalation of a Ciclotron in Latin America: The Venezuelan Experience.
ALASBIN J. 5 (21) July 2003.

M. Antczak, Z. Kasztovszky, A. Antczak, L. Sajó-Bohus.
Provenance Study of Amerindian Ceramic Figurine with PGNAA.
Book of Abstracts IAEA-CN-103/062, 19, 2003. Published in Nukleonika 2004.

J. Alfonso, E. Greaves, B. Lavelle, L. Sajó-Bohus.
Control of Geometrical Sources of Error in Residual Stress Analysis by Energy-Dispersive X-ray Diffraction.
Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 38 (4): 283-288 JUL 2003.