Publicaciones en congresos en el año 2003

J. Pálfalvi, Y. Akatov, L. Sajó-Bohus, J. Szabó, I. Eördögh.
Cosmic Particle Induced Reaction Detection With SSNTD Stacks Exposed on-Board of International Space Station.
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms, Varenna, Villa Monastero-Italy; June 9 – 13, 2003.

L. Sajó-Bohus, D. Palacios, J. Castillo, J. Bermúdez, E. Greaves.
Radioactivity in Marine Algae from the Venezuelan Central Coast.
International Conference on Isotopic and Nuclear Analytical Technique for Health and Environment. Vienna Austria 10-13 June 2003. Determination of Metals and gamma Book of Abstracts IAEA-CN-103/ 091, 33, 2003.